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Publications for Year 1991

Schilit, Bill, Duchamp, Dan,
Adaptive Remote Paging for Mobile Computers,
No. CUCS-004-91, February 1991.

Buchholz, D., Odlzko, P., Taylor, M., White, R.,
White: Wireless In-Building Network Architecture and Protocols,
IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 31--38, November 1991.

Duchamp, D., Feiner, S. K., Maguire Jr., G. Q.,
Software Technology for Wireless Mobile Computing,
IEEE Network, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 12--18, November 1991.

Awerbuch, Baruch, Peleg, David,
Concurrent Online Tracking of Mobile Users,
In: Proceedings of the Conference on Communications Architecture and Protocols, pp. 221--233, 1991.

Cohen, Danny, Postel, J. B., Rom, R.,
IP Addressing and Routing in a Local Wireless Network,
July 1991.

Teraoka, Fumio, Yokote, Yasuhito, Tokoro, Mario,
A Network Architecture Providing Host Migration Transparency,
In: Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '91 Conference: Communications Architectures and Protocols, pp. 209-220, September 1991.

Ioannidis, J., Duchamp, D., Maguire Jr., G. Q.,
IP-Based Protocols for Mobile Internetworking,
In: Proc. ACM SIGCOMM '91, pp. 234-45, September 1991.